[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Locksmith – Northern Beaches – Brookvale” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:30px;” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:26px;”][/ultimate_heading]
Brookie Oval


0414 851 858

Northern Beaches Locksmith

[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-key” icon_size=”20″ title=”Northern Beaches Locksmith” pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:700″ title_font_style=”font-weight:700;” css_info_box=”.vc_custom_1477961175299{margin-bottom: 20px !important;padding-top: 45px !important;}” title_font_size=”desktop:16px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:26px;”]Brookvale is a combination of commercial and residential properties. A high percentage of our commercial work is based in Brookvale, as well as installations of deadlocks on the new units which have been built in the last few years.

For commercial customers in Brookvale we recommend the following key systems to help enhance your company’s security.

A master key system is a tiered level of security that allows select people to access certain areas in a building. Master key systems are commonly installed by locksmiths in commercial situations enabling employees to move around in areas they need to access whilst keeping higher security areas only accessible by managers or key personnel. These systems are usually restricted, meaning that anybody trying to duplicate a key would only be able to do so with a written order from an authorised signatory.

A restricted key system gives the owner total key control. Each key is individually marked and numbered, and can only be cut by authorisation from the owner/manager of the system. The keys are cut to code, with all records kept by the locksmith who installed the system. No other locksmith or key cutting companies are allowed to reproduce these keys that belong to your system. With a restricted key system you will always know how many keys are out there, who has them and when the keys were issued.[/bsf-info-box]

[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-map-marker” icon_size=”20″ title=”About Dee Why” pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:700″ title_font_style=”font-weight:700;” css_info_box=”.vc_custom_1477960156222{margin-bottom: 20px !important;padding-top: 45px !important;}” title_font_size=”desktop:16px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:26px;”]Dee Why has become a popular place to live with a high percentage of the residents living in units and apartments. Our lock work in Dee Why is growing steadily with its growth. We are finding our customers are becoming more security conscious, requesting Deadlocks and Window locks to give their properties greater security.

Dee Why has flourished as a popular place for living and visiting with water front cafes and restaurants located right across from the beach.  There is a good lively atmosphere during the evening and the street side restaurants and cafe ‘s are usually heavily booked during summer weekends.

A very popular walk is along Dee Why Beach to Long Reef and up to the headland, past the idyllically located golf course. At the top of the headland there are several sculptures, and spectacular views north and south. You can also watch hang glider and paraglider pilots or model plane enthusiasts play around in the up currents at the top of the headland. Dee Why Beach Lagoon is located at the northern end of the beach near Long Reef.[/bsf-info-box]

[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-phone” icon_size=”20″ title=”Please call on 0414 851 858″ pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat|variant:700″ title_font_style=”font-weight:700;” css_info_box=”.vc_custom_1473406837406{margin-top: 20px !important;margin-bottom: 20px !important;}” title_font_size=”desktop:16px;” title_font_line_height=”desktop:26px;”]For Locksmith Service in Avalon[/bsf-info-box]
[ultimate_google_map height=”320px” lat=”-33.762672″ lng=”151.251823″ zoom=”12″ scrollwheel=”disable” marker_icon=”default_self” gmap_padding=”padding-bottom:10px;”]Avalon Beach
Northern Beaches[/ultimate_google_map]