[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Locksmith – Northern Beaches – Palm Beach – Whale Beach – Avalon” alignment=”left” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:30px;” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:26px;”][/ultimate_heading]
Palm Beach Wharf


0414 851 858

Northern Beaches Locksmith

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Locksmith Services in Palm Beach provided by KC’s Northern Beaches Locksmiths.

Palm Beach has become recognisable around the world as Summer Bay from the Australian TV soap, Home and Away. Palm Beach is the exclusive, high-end of Sydney’s long stretch of the northern beaches.

Palm Beach still retains traces of its early character; although mansions dominate the southern corner. Most of the beach area, apart from the small protected areas at either end, is permanently exposed to the elements.

Barrenjoey Head looms over North Palm Beach. This section of the beach is usually where you find the surfers, joggers and hikers on the Barrenjoey Lighthouse bushwalk.

The southern end of Palm Beach is a more protected environment for swimming than the waves further north. Also there is a ocean pool which sits on the rocks at the end of the beach, deep enough for laps but with a shallow end that is ideal for kids.


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[ultimate_google_map height=”320px” lat=”151.2983632″ lng=”151.2983632″ zoom=”12″ scrollwheel=”disable” marker_icon=”default_self” gmap_padding=”padding-bottom:10px;”]Northern Beaches[/ultimate_google_map]